Training programs and lectures

Thousands of professionals have already attended my lectures and workshops on management, strategy and professional development.

Training programs and lectures

Thousands of professionals have already attended my lectures and workshops, online and in person.

At the center of my approach there is one core belief:

Excellent working performance is fueled by powerful concepts and skillful execution.

We cannot work like robots, by focusing only on the mechanical actions to get the work done. We also can’t limit our professional conversations to polite small talk or fluffy slogans.

Highly-performing human capital has:

  1. The skills to do the work they are expected to do;

  2. Embraced the intellectual depth of the challenge at hand.

That’s why in my workshops I focus on experimenting with concepts and techniques and how they can .

You can read more here about my experience and approach.

“I found myself at a crossroads but Avy’s exercises helped me focus my intentions and redirect myself in a way that I was very happy with.”

Tiran, International Relationships Specialist

Training programs

I deliver full-day programs and courses.
They come with a consulting component: I offer to meet individual participants and teams to help them integrate what we learned in their professional practice.

Management in chaotic environments: fundamentals

Our professional environments are not linear: they are chaotic.
The people and processes that we are supposed to manage are influenced by many other sources. Being able to properly assess the situation and make effective decisions, consistently, is crucial for the success of the organization.

The training includes the following modules:

  1. Decision making processes in conditions of uncertainty.

  2. The management map: how to work with people and processes to achieve the desired outcomes.

  3. Understanding chaotic environments: chaos theory and VUCA.

The “Management in chaotic environments: fundamentals” training is an eye-opener: it trains professionals to read their everyday work in a fundamentally different way, and provides the tools to make progress within the everyday chaos.

The design of a learning experience

Professional development cannot be only technical: it has to be transformational.
We need high-level professional development opportunities, that allow our team members to grow exponentially in a brief time and provides them the tools to be more effective and more connected to their work.

The program includes:

  1. Effective learning: principles and techniques to design a transformational learning experience.

  2. Facilitation of training: challenges and best practices.

  3. Definition and measurement of success for professional development processes.

  4. The garden and the warehouse: building and infrastructure of knowledge, skills and paradigms.

“The design of a learning experience” is an innovative train-the-trainers program. It delves deep in the art and science of crafting learning experiences that lead to excellent professional performance.

Outcome-driven strategy: from development to implementation

I stopped counting the times someone spoke with me about strategy without knowing that there was nothing strategic about what they are doing.

Being able to think and make decisions strategically is key for organizations who want to develop a competitive edge and deliver outstanding results.

In order to get there, both management and teams need to develop their strategic thinking muscle: without stumbling in fluffy slogans or in a sea of nitty-gritty considerations.

This training includes:

  1. What problem are we solving and what outcome do we want to achieve? Positioning outcomes at the center of the organization’s work.

  2. The component of a strategy: translating a theory of change in actual performance.

  3. Decision making: keeping the strategy dynamic while considering shifts, pivot and other interventions.

  4. Managerial practices to keep teams and process on track.

The “Outcome-driven strategy: from development to implementation” training provides teams with a sharp understanding of what strategy is, how it can be developed and implemented, and how it can help managers lead their teams.

Effective project management

At the core of many jobs there is the capacity of making things happen.
Some people refer to it as operations, others call it project management: at the end of the day we need a team of professionals who can move forward processes, simple or complex as they might be.

The “Effective project management” training is a bootcamp for professionals who want to gain an entrepreneurial approach towards project management.
It is a practical, yet sophisticated approach towards achieving big results.

Its main modules are:

  1. The work plan as a living document: desired outcomes, strategic milestones, resources.

  2. Entrepreneurial methods to lead a project: LOFA, agile processes and OKRs.

  3. Stakeholder management, partnerships and other essential components of people management.

  4. Problem solving: a structured approach to project management when something goes wrong.

The training is a great starting point for teams who need to find a professional methodology to gain clarity and make progress in their everyday work.

Reach out to hear more about the training programs and discuss how they can be adapted to your needs.

Lectures and workshops

My circle of competence includes topics related to organizational development, adult learning and strategic management.

If you want to expose your team to transformative ideas – I can take care of it.

These are my most popular lectures:

Using strategy as the Northstar

Organizations invest time, money and human resources in developing complex projects which have little chances to achieve their desired outcome.

I selected the most effective techniques from the entrepreneurial methodology and from modern organizational development approaches to design the ultimate work plan template. It’s realistic, it leads to processes running smoothly and it promotes creative thinking.

For managers who want to improve the way they plan and manage projects in their organization.

How to make adults learn

Adults do not learn by listening. Still, we usually train teams by throwing information at them.

Training is a science and an art. If you want to develop new capacities, or you want to train your team to perform better, you should design the learning process so that it focuses on intense, practical and creative problem solving. I’ll show you how to do that.

For managers and learning professionals who want to improve the way their teams learn new skills and implement them.

A voyage into chaos

We are taught that order is essential to make anything works. Nature, the economy and most cultures say the opposite: chaos is the natural “order” of things, and we should learn to navigate it.

A messy and provocative workshop to help professionals who desire to turn the struggle of dealing with the chaos of modern routines and markets in a productive, purposeful journey.

For professionals who want to revolutionize the way they think and improve their problem solving skills.

Why we work the way we work

Gone are the days when climbing the corporate ladder was the only ambition for most professionals. Whether you are aiming at wealth, status, meaning or something else, you need a framework to understand how you can lead your professional experience to the right direction.

We’ll reframe the individual professional journey through phases of exploration, reflection and integration. We’ll see how those drive great decision making and bold performances.

For managers and human resources professionals who want to provide better professional development opportunities to their teams.

Time management for humans

There’s no such thing as time management.

The idea that we can control our attention and discipline so that we go to sleep every day with an empty to do list is an illusion.

What we can do: we can manage our tasks, our schedule, our energies and recruit some technology to help us do so effectively. The workshop introduces a range of techniques and hacks for a more productive and less stressful routine.

For professionals who want to get more done without getting caught in stressful routines.

An inventory of professional assets

What makes you a valuable employee, manager or firm? What makes you 15% better than most of the people of your age and in your field?

The workshop helps the participants map what they are worth – their skills, network, expertise – and how to read their market so that they are able to keep their edge.

For managers and professionals who want to articulate their value and define a trajectory for their own development.

If you don’t see here above the exact topic you were searching for, it’s worth reaching out.
Shoot me an e-mail or schedule a quick call here below, and we’ll see how I can help.